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About Us

OT Warehouse provides a one stop shop for parents, teachers and kids looking for appropriate resources to assist learning and play. OT Warehouse stocks a huge range of sensory and calming products, therapy toys, playground equipment, special needs and educational resources, autism resources, disability products and heaps more! OT warehouse is an NDIS service provider and ships products throughout Australia. We accept orders from individuals, families, NDIS clients, occupational therapists, schools, health departments, clinics and other government organisations. At OT Warehouse we source our products from reputable suppliers and offer the highest quality goods to our customers. We believe every child has the right to enjoy life and achieve their best. We strive to supply a range of products and resources to allow this to happen.

OT Warehouse provides a one stop shop for parents, teachers and kids looking for appropriate resources to assist learning and play. OT Warehouse stocks a huge range of sensory and calming products, therapy toys, playground equipment, special needs and educational resources, autism resources, disability products and heaps more! OT warehouse is an NDIS service provider and ships products throughout Australia. We accept orders from individuals, families, NDIS clients, occupational therapists, schools, health departments, clinics and other government organisations. At OT Warehouse we source our products from reputable suppliers and offer the highest quality goods to our customers. We believe every child has the right to enjoy life and achieve their best. We strive to supply a range of products and resources to allow this to happen.

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